
ABR 圆柱形自愈式低压并联电容器用于频率50Hz或60Hz低压电力系统设备的功率因数校正,适用于常规就地补偿和集中自动补偿,能够减少无功损耗、改善电压质量,是国家大力推荐的节能产品。 本产品符合标准:GB/T 12747,IEC831-1/2。


适用范围 Scope of application

ABR 圆柱形自愈式低压并联电容器用于频率50Hz或60Hz低压电力系统设备的功率因数校正,适用于常规就地补偿和集中自动补偿,能够减少无功损耗、改善电压质量,是国家大力推荐的节能产品。

本产品符合标准:GB/T 12747,IEC831-1/2。

ABR cylindrical self-healing low-voltage shunt capacitor is used for power factor correction of equipment in low-voltage power system with frequency 50Hz or 60Hz, applicable to conventional local compensation and centralized automatic compensation, which can reduce reactive power loss and improve voltage quality, and is an energy-saving product strongly recommended by the state.

This product conforms to the standard: GB/T 12747, IEC831-1/2.

型号及其含义 Model number and its meaning


正常工作条件 Normal working conditions

◇ 电容器从电源切除后一定要保证电容器剩余电压降至10% 额定电压才允许再次投入,通常情况这个时间约需200s,所以控制器要选用带有切除后再投入有再投锁定时间功能的控制器。如果采用一般控制器,要另装快速放电设施。对于采用等电位投切开关的可以不受此限。

◇ 海拔高度不超过2000m。

◇ 环境温度类别-25/C,最低温度-25℃,最高温度C 类,( 最高不超过50℃,24 小时内温度平均值不超过40℃,一年内温度平均值不超过30℃ )。电容器应保证在良好的通风条件下工作,不允许在密闭不通风环境下工作。

◇ After the capacitor is removed from the power supply, it must be ensured that the remaining voltage of the capacitor drops to 10% of the rated voltage before it is allowed to be put in again. If the general controller is used, a separate fast discharge facility should be installed. For the use of equipotential throwing switch can not be subject to this limit.

◇ The altitude should not exceed 2000m.

◇ Ambient temperature category -25/C, minimum temperature -25 ℃ , maximum temperature category C, (maximum not more than 50 ℃ , average temperature not more than 40 ℃ in 24 hours, average temperature not more than 30 ℃ in a year). Capacitors should be guaranteed to work under good ventilation conditions, and are not allowed to work in a confined and non-ventilated environment.

结构特征 Structural features

◇ 采用圆柱形铝罐封装。

◇ 浸渍剂为无公害绝缘油。

◇ 内置压力分离装置及放电电阻。

◇ 电容芯子采用自愈式优质金属化聚丙烯薄膜。

◇ 电容器顶部为防触电接线端子。

◇ 电容器底部为M12 或M16 安装及接地螺栓。

◇ 三相电容器内部均为△接法。

◇ Packaged in a cylindrical aluminum can.

◇ The impregnating agent is pollution-free insulating oil.

◇ Built-in pressure separation device and discharge resistor.

◇ The capacitor core is made of self-healing high-quality metallized polypropylene film.

◇ The top of the capacitor is an anti-touch terminal.

◇ The bottom of capacitor is M12 or M16 mounting and grounding bolt.

◇ Three phase capacitors are connected internally by △ method.

主要技术参数 Main technical parameters

◇ 额定电压:0.23kV、0.25kV、0.4kV、0.415kV、0.45kV、0.48kV、0.525kV 等;

◇ 额定容量:1~30kvar;

◇ 电容量容差:-5%~+10%;

◇ 损耗角正切:tanδ ≤ 0.1%;

◇ 极间耐压:2.15 倍额定电压5 秒,无永久性击穿或闪络;

◇ 绝缘水平:极壳间加电压:2 倍额定电压加2kV 或3kV 取较高者,历时10 秒,无击穿或闪络。

◇ 最高允许电压:1.1 倍电压时,每24 小时中不超过8 小时;1.15 倍电压时,每24 小时中不超过30 分钟;

                          1.2 倍电压时,不超过5 分钟( 持续):1.3 倍电压时,不超过1 分钟。

◇ 最大允许电流:允许不超过1.3 倍额定电流下运行,考虑到过电压、电容正偏差及谐波的影响,过渡电流不超过1.43倍额定电流。

◇ 放电器件:内置放电电阻,电容器切断电源后放电3 分钟降压至50V 以下。

◇ 符合标准:GB/T12747-2017,IEC60831-2002。

Cylindrical self -healing lo w-voltage shunt c apacitors

◇ Rated voltage: 0.23kV, 0.25kV, 0.4kV, 0.415kV, 0.45kV, 0.48kV, 0.525kV, etc.

◇ Rated capacity: 1~30kvar.

◇ Capacity tolerance: -5% to +10%.

◇ Loss angle tangent:tanδ ≤ 0.1%.

◇ Inter-pole withstand voltage: 2.15 times rated voltage for 5 seconds, no permanent breakdown or flashover.

◇ Insulation level: voltage between poles and shells: 2 times rated voltage plus 2kV or 3kV, whichever is higher, for 10 seconds, no breakdown or flashover.

◇ Maximum allowable voltage: not more than 8 hours in every 24 hours at 1.1 times the voltage; not more than 30 minutes in every 24 hours at 1.15 times the voltage.

                                                  At 1.2 times the voltage, not more than 5 minutes (continuous): at 1.3 times the voltage, not more than 1 minute.

◇ Maximum allowable current: Allowed to operate at no more than 1.3 times the rated current. Taking into account the effects of overvoltage, positive deviation of capacitance and harmonics, the transition current should not exceed 1.43 times the rated current.

◇ Discharge device: Built-in discharge resistor, capacitor discharges to below 50V for 3 minutes after cutting off power.

◇ Conform to the standard: GB/T12747-2017, IEC60831-2002.


