
ABCS 系列无功动态调节器( 容性无触点开关) 是电力电子产品可使用此产品将电力电容器负荷连接到电网。该产品专业用于需要安装开关装置和控制装置的场合,可实现纯电容或电抗( 最大到14%) 分步补偿系统的快速投切。不仅可实现对称三相电流的补偿,也可以对电网进行单相分步补偿。


参数 Parameters

ABCS 系列无功动态调节器( 容性无触点开关) 是电力电子产品可使用此产品将电力电容器负荷连接到电网。该产品专业用于需要安装开关装置和控制装置的场合,可实现纯电容或电抗( 最大到14%) 分步补偿系统的快速投切。不仅可实现对称三相电流的补偿,也可以对电网进行单相分步补偿。



- 控制输入:DC8-16V


- 供电电压:Un400V 50Hz/60Hz

- 功耗:近似2W 每安培

- 负载容量:三相最大60kVar; 单相15kVar。


- 运行温度-20℃┄ +55℃

- 湿度: 非冷凝5% ┄ 95%

- 存储温度-25℃┄ +70℃


- 额定电压Un±10%

- 谐波电压THDmax.5%

一次响应速度:<20mS 连续响应速度:<40mS


- 保护级别Ⅰ

- 距离EN61010:2001 污染等级Ⅱ CAT Ⅲ

- 防护等级IP10


- 安装位置垂直或水平

- 散热距离 距离通风口最少50mm ,距离散热装置最少150mm

尺寸:116mm*187mm*170mm( 宽* 高* 深)


The KCS series thyristor throw switch is a power electronics product that can be used to connect power capacitor loads to the grid. This product is specialized for applications requiring the installation of switching devices and control devices, and allows for the fast switching of pure capacitor or reactance (up to 14%) step-by-step compensation systems. It is possible to compensate not only symmetrical three-phase currents, but also single-phase step-by-step compensation of the grid.

Technical data

Control circuit: 

- Control input: DC8-16V

Load circuit: 

-Power supply voltage: Un400V 50Hz/60Hz

-Power consumption: approximate 2W per ampere

-Load capacity: Maximum 60kVar for three-phase; 15kVar for single-phase.

Applicable range: - Rated voltage Un±10%

-Harmonic voltage THDmax.5%

Primary response speed: <20mS Continuous response speed : <40mS

Electrical safety: 

-Protection level Ⅰ

-Distance EN61010:2001 pollution level II CAT III

-Protection class IP10

Environmental conditions: 

-Operating temperature -20℃┄ +55℃

-Humidity: non-condensing 5% ┄ 95%

-Storage temperature -25℃┄ +70℃


-Installation position vertical or horizontal

-Distance to heat dissipation Minimum 5 0 m m from the vent, minimum 1 5 0 m m from the heat sink

Size: 116mm*187mm*170mm(W*H*D)

Weight: approximate 2500g

安全事项 Security matters








此设备的安装,维护和服务等工作必须由熟练的电工来操作完成。当本投切开关连接到供电系统时,容性负载( 电容) 将充电到电网电压峰值。这就意味甚至当开关断开时,负载仍是带电的,依然连接在电网上。因此,当安装和维护工作进行时,在任何情况下,都必须




Reactive po wer dynamic r egulator (c apacitive non-contact swit ch)

Since the design is for fan cooling, the air inlet must be kept clear and must not cover the heat sink outlet. Attention must be paid to the distance from nearby components. For rated loads, the temperature difference between fresh air and exhaust air can increase by 40° C. Temperature sensitive components like cable ducts must be protected with sleeves.

Must work under the condition of a series break device.

Cannot work as a stand-alone device and must be used in some compensation unit.

Must be applied where the conditions of use are met.

Even when this throw switch is used according to the specified conditions, a failure of this throw switch cannot be avoided.

In this case, the current and voltage of the load circuit are affected. The following situations may occur in a fault situation: current interruption, half-wave operation or continuous energy loss. Therefore, during the design phase of the project, it is important to ensure that the protection equipment is designed correctly.

Operating or wiring errors can lead to damage to equipment or loads.

Street connections must be made with cables with insulation protection.

The installation, maintenance and service of this equipment must be performed by a skilled electrician. When this throw switch is connected to the power supply, the capacitive load (capacitor) is charged to the peak grid voltage. This means that even when the switch is disconnected, the load is still charged and connected to the grid. Therefore, when installation and maintenance work is carried out, it must be disconnected from the grid in all cases. Otherwise there is a risk to life!

After disconnection from the grid, there is still residual voltage in the capacitive load. Before installation and maintenance work, the capacitors must be checked for charging. The discharge time of the capacitor must be considered.

When connecting reactors in series, the complexity of the grid must be fully considered. Especially when detuning for a fixed number of harmonic signals, it is possible to amplify other numbers of harmonic signals and it is recommended to use a reactive power compensation controller with harmonic protection, otherwise this switch can be damaged due to the influence of charge conduction.

应用 Applications


- 投切速度快- 投切对系统污染小

- 投切时没有磨损部件- 使用寿命长,操作频率不受限


- 起重机设备 - 提升机 - 焊接设备 - 制模 - 风力轮机


This throw switch is particularly suitable for applications with rapidly changing loads in terms of frequency and reactive power. The advantages of this switch compared to conventional technology are:

-Fast switching speed -Low pollution of the system during switching

-No wear parts during switching - Long service life and unlimited operating frequency

Application areas:

-Crane equipment -Lifters -Welding equipment -Molding -Wind turbines

This throw switch can work with reactive power controllers, programmable controllers, computer systems and process control units.

安装 Installation

本投切开关可以水平或垂直安装。由于强制散热,所有产生的暖空气几乎从一个方向排出。在最大负荷下,预计有最大40K 的温升。


扇侧:>50mm 散热出口:>150mm


This throw switch can be installed horizontally or vertically. Due to forced heat dissipation, all generated warm air is discharged from almost one direction. At maximum load, a temperature rise of up to 40 K is expected. If there are temperature sensitive elements in the system, like cable ducts, they must be protected with sleeves.

Fan side: >50 mm Heat dissipation outlet: >150 mm

If installed vertically, it must be ensured that the cooling air is discharged from above. Note: When installed vertically, foreign objects should be prevented from falling into the radiator and causing damage to the fan, so the radiator must be covered with a protective plate or something like that during installation, and then removed before testing and operation.


