AB-SVG 动态无功补偿装置
AB-SVG 动态无功补偿装置

AB-SVG 是新静止无功补偿装置,是无功补偿领域技术应用的代表产品。AB-SVG 并联于电网中,相当于一个可变的无功电流源,通过调节逆变器交流侧输出电压的幅值和相位,或者直接控制其交流测电流的幅值和相位,迅速吸收或者发出所需要的无功功率,实现快速动态调节无功的目的。当采用直接电流控制时,不仅可以跟踪补偿冲击型负载的冲击电流,而且可以对谐波电流也进行跟踪补偿。利用电力电子逆变技术产生一个与被补偿对象大小相等而方向相反的电流,相互抵消,功率因数可接近1。


产品概述 Product Overview

AB-SVG 是新静止无功补偿装置,是无功补偿领域技术应用的代表产品。AB-SVG 并联于电网中,相当于一个可变的无功电流源,通过调节逆变器交流侧输出电压的幅值和相位,或者直接控制其交流测电流的幅值和相位,迅速吸收或者发出所需要的无功功率,实现快速动态调节无功的目的。当采用直接电流控制时,不仅可以跟踪补偿冲击型负载的冲击电流,而且可以对谐波电流也进行跟踪补偿。利用电力电子逆变技术产生一个与被补偿对象大小相等而方向相反的电流,相互抵消,功率因数可接近1。

AB-SVG is a new static reactive power compensation device, which is a representative product in the field of reactive power compensation technology application. AB-SVG is connected in parallel to the power grid and is equivalent to a variable reactive current source, which can quickly absorb or send out the required reactive power by adjusting the amplitude and phase of the AC output voltage of the inverter or directly controlling the amplitude and phase of its AC current measurement to achieve fast dynamic regulation of reactive power. purpose. When direct current control is used, not only the inrush current of the inrush load can be tracked and compensated, but also the harmonic current can be tracked and compensated. The power electronic inverter technology is used to generate a current of equal size and opposite direction to the compensated object to cancel each other, and the power factor can be close to 1.

型号及其含义 Model number and it s meaning


AB-SVG特点 AB-SVG Features

(1) 具备抗谐波功能,更保障系统安全。AB-SVG 是可控电流源,只补偿基波无功电流,系统谐波电流不会造成补偿设备损坏,使其寿命延长,维护工作量少。同时避免串电抗的电容器组可能造成的谐波放大,防止系统其他设备及补偿设备因谐波过电压而损坏;

(2) 动态连续平滑补偿,更高速的响应速度使对电压闪变的补偿效果更好。AB-SVG 可跟随负载变化,动态连续补偿功率因数,可以发无功,也可吸收无功,彻底杜绝了无功倒送的情况;

(3) 能够解决负荷的不平衡问题;

(4) 不仅不产生谐波,而且能在补偿无功功率的同时动态补偿谐波;

(5) 电流源特性,输出无功电流不受母线电压影响,含阻抗型特性,输出电流随母线电压线性降低;

(6) 投切时无暂态冲击,无合闸涌流,无电弧重燃,无需放电即可再投;

(7) 维护量小,运行成本低;

(8) 安装、设定、调试简便,界面明了清晰。

(1) with anti-harmonic function, to protect the system safety. AB-SVG is a controllable current source, only compensate the fundamental wave reactive current, the system harmonic current will not cause damage to the compensation equipment, make its life longer, less maintenance workload. At the same time to avoid the possible harmonic amplification caused by the capacitor bank of series reactance, to prevent damage to other equipment in the system and compensation equipment due to harmonic overvoltage.

(2) dynamic continuous smooth compensation, higher speed response makes the compensation of voltage flicker better. AB-SVG can follow the load change, dynamic continuous compensation of power factor, can send reactive power, can also absorb reactive power, completely eliminates the reactive power backwards.

(3) It can solve the problem of load imbalance.

(4) Not only does not generate harmonics, but also can dynamically compensate harmonics while compensating reactive power.

(5) current source characteristics, the output reactive current is not affected by the bus voltage, including impedance-type characteristics, the output current decreases linearly with the bus voltage.

(6) no transient shock, no closing inrush, no arc reignition, no discharge can be thrown again.

(7) small maintenance, low operating costs.

(8) Easy installation, setting and commissioning, clear interface.


AB-SVG 与传统的电容无功补偿装置相比的优势

Advantages of AB-SVG compared to traditional capacitor reactive power compensation devices

(1) 有级无极:传统的电容无功补偿装置基本上采用的是3-10 级的有级补偿,每增减一级就是几十千乏,不能实现精确的补偿。AB-SVG可以从0.1 千乏开始进行无极补偿,完全实现了精确补偿:而且无论有功无功均能进行双向调节,充分适应太阳能发电供电系统负荷变化大的特点,能交换有功功率,使装置的性价比得到更高提升。

(2) 补偿方式:采用传统的电容无功补偿装置进行无功补偿,补偿后的功率因数一般在0.8-0.9 左右。AB-SVG 采用的是电源模块进行无功补偿,补偿后的功率因数一般在0.98 以上;

(3) 补偿时间:采用传统的电容无功补偿装置进行无功补偿,完成一次补偿最快也要200 毫秒的时间,AB-SVG 在1-20 毫秒的时间就可以完成一次补偿。无功补偿需要在瞬间完成,如果补偿的时间过长会造成该要无功的时候没有,不该要无功的时候反而来了的不良状况:

(4) 谐波滤除:传统的电容无功补偿装置采用的是电容电抗式,可以滤除某些频率的谐波,AB-SVG 不产生谐波更不会放大谐波,并且可以滤除更多的谐波;

(5) 使用寿命:传统的电容无功补偿装置一般采用接触器或可控硅控制,造成使用寿命较短,一般在三年左右,自身损耗大而且要经常进行维护。AB-SVG 使用寿命在十年以上,自身损耗极小且基本上免维护。

(1) There are stages without poles:The traditional capacitor reactive power compensation device basically adopts 3-10 levels of graded compensation, and each level of increase or decrease is tens of kilowatts, which cannot achieve accurate compensation.

AB-SVG can start from 0.1 kilowatts for induction compensation, which completely achieves accurate compensation: Moreover, it can be adjusted in both directions regardless of active and reactive power, fully adapts to the characteristics of solar power supply system with large load changes, and can exchange active power. The cost performance of the device has been improved.

(2) Compensation method: The traditional capacitor reactive power compensation device is used for reactive power compensation, and the power factor after compensation is generally around 0.8-0.9. AB-SVG adopts the power module for reactive power compensation, and the power factor after compensation is generally above 0.98.

(3) Compensation time: It takes 200 milliseconds at the earliest to complete one compensation when using traditional capacitor reactive power compensation device for reactive power compensation, but AB-SVG can complete one compensation in 1-20 milliseconds. The reactive power compensation needs to be completed in an instant, if the compensation time is too long, it will cause the bad situation that there is no reactive power when it should be, but it comes when it should not.

(4) harmonic filtering: the traditional capacitor reactive power compensation device uses capacitive reactance type, which can filter out harmonics of certain frequencies, AB-SVG does not produce harmonics more than amplify harmonics, and can filter out more harmonics.

(5) Service life: The traditional capacitor reactive power compensation device generally adopts contactor or SCR control, resulting in a short service life of about three years, with large loss and frequent maintenance. AB-SVG has a service life of more than ten years, with minimal loss and basically maintenance-free.

主要技术参数 Main technical parameters

(1) 额定工作电压:6kV,10kV,35kV;

(2) 额定容量:±0.5-±5Mvar;

(3) 输出无功范围:从感性额定无功到容性额定无功范围内连续全范围调节;

(4) 控制器响应时间:≤ 1ms;

(5) 输出电压总谐波畸变率( 并网前):≤ 4%;

(6) 输出电压总谐波畸变率( 并网后):≤ 3%;

(7) 输出电流总谐波畸变率THD:≤ 3%;

(8) 输出电压不对称度:≤ 3%;

(9) 效率:≥ 98%;

(10) 运行温度:-20℃ -+40℃;

(11) 贮存温度:-40℃ -+65℃;

(12) 相对湿度:月平均值不大于90%(25℃ ),无凝露;

(13) 海拔高度:<5000m;

(14) 地震烈度:8 度。

(1) Rated operating voltage: 6kV, 10kV, 35kV.

(2) Rated capacity: ±0.5 - ±5Mvar.

(3) Output reactive power range: continuous full range adjustment from inductive rated reactive power to capacitive rated reactive power range.

(4) Controller response time: ≤ 1ms.

(5) output voltage total harmonic distortion rate (before grid connection): ≤ 4%.

(6) output voltage total harmonic distortion rate (after grid connection): ≤ 3%.

(7) output current total harmonic distortion rate THD: ≤ 3%.

(8) output voltage asymmetry: ≤ 3%.

(9) efficiency: ≥ 98%.

(10) operating temperature: -20 ℃ - +40 ℃ .

(11) storage temperature: -40 ℃ - +65 ℃ .

(12) relative humidity: monthly average not more than 90% (25℃ ), no condensation.

(13) Altitude: <5000m.

(14) Seismic intensity: 8 degrees.







