


产品概述 Product Overview


This series of low-voltage series reactor is used in lowvoltage reactive power compensation device and connected in series with capacitor phase. When there are a large number of harmonic sources in low-voltage power grid such as rectifier and converter, the high harmonics produced by them will seriously endanger the safe operation of main transformer and other electrical equipment. Reactors in series with capacitors can effectively suppress harmonic amplification, improve the voltage waveform of the system, increase the power factor of the system, and effectively suppress the closing surge and operating overvoltage, effectively protecting the capacitors.

型号及其含义 Model number and it s meaning


工作条件 Working conditions

◇ 海拔高度:<2000m;

◇ 环境温度:-25℃ ~+45℃,相对温度≤ 90%;

◇ 周围无有害气体,无易燃易爆物品;

◇ 周围环境应有良好的通风条件。

◇ Elevation: <2000m.

◇ Ambient temperature: -25℃ ~+45℃ , relative temperature ≤ 90%.

◇ No harmful gas and no inflammable and explosive materials in the surrounding area.

◇ The surrounding environment should have good ventilation conditions.

主要特点 Main features

◇ 该电抗器分为三相和单相两种,均为铁芯干式;

◇ 铁芯采用低损耗冷轧取向硅钢片,芯柱由多个气隙分成均匀小段,气隙采用环氧层压玻璃布板作间隔,以保证电抗气隙在运行过程中不发生变化;

◇ 线圈采用H 级漆包扁铜线绕制,排列紧密且均匀,具有不错耐热性能;

◇ 电抗器的线圈和铁芯组装成一体后经过预烘——真空浸漆——热烘固化这一工艺流程,采用H 级浸渍漆,使电抗器的线圈和铁芯牢固的结合在一起,不但大大减小了运行时的噪音,而且具有很高的耐热等级;

◇ 电抗器芯柱部分紧固件采用无磁性材料,确保电抗器具有较高的品质因数和较低的温升;

◇ 外露部队年均采取了防腐蚀处理,收出端子采用镀锡铜管端子。

◇ The reactor is divided into two kinds: three-phase and single-phase, both of which are iron core dry type.

◇ The core adopts high-quality low-loss cold-rolled oriented silicon steel sheet, and the core column is divided into uniform small sections by multiple air gaps, and the air gaps are spaced by epoxy laminated glass cloth plates to ensure that the reactance air gaps do not change during operation.

◇ The coil is wound with H-grade enameled flat copper wire, which is closely and evenly arranged and has excellent heat resistance.

◇ After the coil and core of reactor are assembled together, they go through the process of pre-baking - vacuum dipping lacquer-hot baking and curing, and H-grade impregnating lacquer is used to make the coil and core of reactor firmly combined, which not only greatly reduces the noise during operation, but also has a very high grade of heat resistance.

◇ The fasteners in the core column part of the reactor are made of non-magnetic materials, ensuring that the reactor has a high quality factor and a low temperature rise.

The exposed forces are treated with anti-corrosion treatment, and tinned copper tube terminals are used for the receiving and discharging terminals.

主要技术参数 Main technical parameters

◇ 可用于400V、660、等系统;

◇ 电抗率的种类:1%、6%、7%、12%、14% 等;

◇ 额定绝缘水平3kV/min;

◇ 电抗器各部位的湿升限制:铁芯不超过85K,线圈温升不超过95K;

◇ 电抗器噪声不大于50dB;

◇ 电抗器能在频加谐波电流不大于1.35 倍额定电流下长期运行;

◇ 电抗值性度:在1.8 倍额定电流下的电抗值与额定电流下的电抗值之比不低于0.95;

◇ 三相电抗器的任意两相电抗值之差不大于±3%;

◇ 耐温等级H 级(180℃ ) 以上。

◇ Can be used in 400V, 660, etc. systems.

◇ Types of reactance: 1%, 6%, 7%, 12%, 14%, etc.

◇ The rated insulation level is 3kV/min.

◇ Limit of wet rise of each part of reactor: core not more than 85K, coil temperature rise not more than 95K.

◇ Noise of reactor is not more than 50dB.

◇ The reactor can operate for a long time under the frequency plus harmonic current not more than 1.35 times of rated current.

◇ Reactance value of reactance: the ratio of reactance value at 1.8 times rated current to reactance value at rated current is not less than 0.95.

◇ The difference between the reactance values of any two phases of the three-phase reactor is not more than ±3%.

◇ Temperature resistance grade H (180℃ ) or above.

