
我司有源电力滤波器(APF) 主电路为IGBT 功率变换器,采用基于瞬时无功功率理论的检测技术,自动跟踪电网谐波变化,具有高度可控性与快速响应性。克服了传统无源滤波器的滤波效果差,容易发生谐振、只能补偿固定次谐波等缺点,对各种快速瞬变的冲击性负荷均能起到良好的滤波和补偿效果。


产品概述 Product Overview

我司有源电力滤波器(APF) 主电路为IGBT 功率变换器,采用基于瞬时无功功率理论的检测技术,自动跟踪电网谐波变化,具有高度可控性与快速响应性。克服了传统无源滤波器的滤波效果差,容易发生谐振、只能补偿固定次谐波等缺点,对各种快速瞬变的冲击性负荷均能起到良好的滤波和补偿效果。

AB-APF有源电力滤波器采用军工级控制芯片,计算能力及抗干扰能力极强,可实现一个控制器集中控制多台有源滤波器并联工作,采用自适应电流平均值控制算法并结合LCL 拓扑结构,克服了传统的滞环电流控制由于开关频率变化所带来的输出频谱范围宽、滤波较困难、高频谐波会干扰电网等缺点。

The main circuit of our active power filter (APF) is IGBT power converter, which adopts the detection technology based on instantaneous reactive power theory and automatically tracks the harmonic changes of the power grid, with high controllability and fast response. It overcomes the shortcomings of traditional passive filters such as poor filtering effect, easy resonance, and only compensating fixed harmonics, and can play a good filtering and compensation effect on various fast transient shock loads.

AB-APF active power filter adopts military-grade control chip, which has strong calculation ability and anti-interference ability, and can realize one controller to centrally control multiple active filters working in parallel. The disadvantages of traditional hysteresis loop current control such as wide output spectrum, difficult filtering, and high frequency harmonics that interfere with the power grid.

型号及其含义 Model number and it s meaning


AB-APF 谐波治理原理 AB-APF harmonic c ontrol principle

AB-APF 通过外部互感器CT 实时采集电流信号,通过内部检测电路分离出其中的谐波部分,通过IGBT 功率变换器产生与系统的谐波大小相等相位相反的补偿电流注入电网,实现滤波除谐波的功能。

AB-APF collects the current signal in real time through the external transformer CT, separates the harmonic part of it through the internal detection circuit, and generates the compensation current of equal size and opposite phase with the system's harmonics through the IGBT power converter to inject into the power grid to realize the function of filtering and removing harmonics.



技术优势 Technical Advantages

◇ 模块化、积木扩展式并联结构,方便扩容

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器为积木扩展式并联结构:主电路中的每个电气元件都小型化和标准化,整个拓扑封装在一个的模块内。AB-APF 模块与AB-APF 柜体采用动静插件连接,用户扩容时把AB-APF 模块推进AB-APF 柜体内,插上CAN 接口。

◇ 维护便捷,支待在线维护

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器采用模块化设计,任何一个电气元件损坏只会影响当前模块运行,AB-APF 柜体内其他模块正常运行,不会导致整个AB-APF 瘫痪。维护时只需把故障AB-APF 模块从柜体中抽出,更换上新的AB-APF 模块即可。

◇ 可靠性高,湿度均匀

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器把发热元件如:逆变单元中的IGBT、LCL 滤波器中的滤波电感和阻尼电阻都微型化,功率减小。而且发热元件平均分配到每个滤波模块中,热量均匀。电气元件不易发生因为湿度过高而失效。

◇ 纯FPGA 搭建控制系统

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器控制系统采用军工级FPGA 芯片,芯片内部集成84 个硬件DSP 单元,运算能力远远大于单个DSP,烧录程序后整个FPGA 芯片相当于一个硬件电路,无需调用程序,不会出现程序跑飞的情况。此外FPGA 抗干扰能力远远高于传统的DSP。

◇ 控制器与AB-APF 模块之间采用CAN 传输数据

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器与功率单元之间采用CAN 连接。具有实时性强,采用双线串行通信方式,检错能力强,可在高噪声干扰环境中工作。可靠的错误处理和检错机制,发送的信息遭到破坏后,可自动重发。

◇ 噪音低,满载运行时噪音低于65db

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器采用软磁材料,铁硅电感流过电流时几乎没有声音,AB-APF 在满载时,噪音低于65db。

◇ 独有的并机方式与优越的均流效果

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器并机,只有一个FPGA 控制器,不存在每个AB-APF 模块内部的电压采样电阻、微电流互感器、电流采样电阻的精度偏差,AB-APF 模块之间能很好的均流,不存在环流。

◇ 在任何负载情况下,补偿后的系统电流THD i<3%

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器的滤波能力,在任何负载情况下,补偿后的系统电流THDi<3%;电感上的开关频率为21.6KHz,补偿谐波次数为2~50 次。

◇ 开环控制与闭环控制相结合的控制方式

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器结合开环和闭环控制的优点:系统电流采样经过FFT 运算分解后,采用开环控制与闭环控制相结合的方法,补偿无功APF 采取开环控制,响应速度快;补偿谐波APF 采用闭环控制,补偿精度高。

◇ 良好的限幅能力

AB-APF 有源电力滤波器单次谐波都可限幅,可与无源法滤波器治理同次谐波。

◇ 三电平主电流拓扑

在相同的直流母线电压下,AB-APF 有源电力滤波器产生的冲击电压(dv/dt) 为第一AB-APF 的一半,第二代APF 降低了每个IGBT 的开关应力和开关损耗,IGBT 更可靠。

Modular, building block type parallel structure for easy expansion

The AB-APF active power filter is a building block expansion type parallel structure: each electrical component in the main circuit is miniaturized and standardized, and the whole topology is encapsulated in a module. the AB-APF module is connected to the ABAPF cabinet by dynamic plug-in, and the user can push the AB-APF module into the AB-APF cabinet and plug in the CAN interface when expanding capacity.

◇ Convenient maintenance, support for online maintenance

AB-APF active power filter adopts modular design, any damage to one electrical component will only affect the operation of the current module, while other modules in the AB-APF cabinet operate normally and will not lead to the paralysis of the whole AB-APF. When maintenance, you only need to pull out the faulty AB-APF module from the cabinet and replace it with a new AB-APF module.

◇ High reliability and uniform humidity

AB-APF active power filter miniaturizes heat generating components such as: IGBT in the inverter unit, filter inductor and damping resistor in the LCL filter, and power is reduced. Moreover, the heat generating components are evenly distributed to each filter module, so that the heat is uniform. Electrical components are less likely to fail due to high humidity.

◇ Construction of control system by pure FPGA

AB-APF active power filter control system adopts military-grade FPGA chip, which integrates 84 hardware DSP units inside the chip, and the computing ability is far greater than that of a single DSP. After burning the program, the whole FPGA chip is equivalent to a hardware circuit, and there is no need to call the program, so the program will not run away. Besides, the anti-interference ability of

FPGA is much higher than that of traditional DSP.

◇ CAN data transmission between controller and AB-APF module

CAN connection is adopted between AB-APF active power filter and power unit. With high real-time, two-wire serial communication, strong error detection capability, and can work in high noise and interference environment. Reliable error handling and error detection mechanism, and the sent information can be automatically resent after being damaged.

◇ Low noise, less than 65db at full load operation

AB-APF active power filter adopts soft magnetic material, and there is almost no sound when the iron-silicon inductor flows through the current, AB-APF has less than 65db noise at full load.

◇ Unique parallel mode and superior current equalization effect

The AB-APF active power filter is parallelized with only one FPGA controller, and there is no deviation in the accuracy of voltage sampling resistor, micro current transformer and current sampling resistor inside each AB-APF module, and the AB-APF modules can equalize the current well with each other, and there is no loop current.

◇ The compensated system current THD i<3% under any load condition

The filtering capability of AB-APF active power filter, the system current THDi<3% after compensation under any load condition; the switching frequency on the inductor is 21.6KHz, and the number of compensated harmonics is 2~50 times.

◇ Combination of open-loop control and closed-loop control

AB-APF active power filter combines the advantages of open-loop and closed-loop control: after the system current sampling is decomposed by FFT operation, the combination of open-loop control and closed-loop control is adopted, and the APF for compensating reactive power takes open-loop control with fast response; the APF for compensating harmonics takes closed-loop control with high compensation accuracy.

◇ Good limiting capability

AB-APF active power filter can limit all single harmonics, and can govern the same harmonics with passive method filter.

Three-level main current topology

Under the same DC bus voltage, the inrush voltage (dv/dt) generated by AB-APF active power filter is half of the first AB -APF. The second generation APF reduces the switching stress and switching loss of each IGBT, and the IGBT is more reliable.


