
我公司在APF 设计过程中,紧跟电力电子设备的发展趋势,广泛借鉴各行业相关设备的优点,将这些技术特点整合而成新APF,从成本、性能、交货速度、可适拉性、可扩展性各方面,都在国内同行业中具有一定优势。


产品特点 Product Features

我公司在APF 设计过程中,紧跟电力电子设备的发展趋势,广泛借鉴各行业相关设备的优点,将这些技术特点整合而成新APF,从成本、性能、交货速度、可适拉性、可扩展性各方面,都在国内同行业中具有一定优势。

◇ 模块化抽屉式功率模块


◇ 强大的综合电能质量治理功能


In the process of APF design, our company follows the development trend of power electronic equipment, widely draws on the advantages of related equipment in various industries, and integrates these technical features into the new APF, which has certain advantages in the same industry in China in terms of cost, performance, delivery speed, adaptability and expandability.

◇ Modular drawer type power module

At present, the active power filter cabinet in the market is divided into two topologies: one is the one-piece design, the cabinet is composed of how many single independent components, such as three IGBTs in each of the three phases, three fans, three fuses, three surge arresters, etc., which is a relatively old design, the disadvantage of this structure is that when one component is broken, it will lead to the whole machine stop working, so its reliability is not high; the other is The other is modular design, which is the development direction of power electronic products. The cabinet is made up of multiple power modules, each module is exactly the same and can run independently, multiple modules are connected in parallel to run together, and when any module fails, other modules automatically share the load on average to continue normal operation.

◇ Powerful comprehensive power quality management function

The equipment can realize the following functions at the same time, and users can select the priority and choose to realize them at the same time through the human-machine interface of touch screen.


有源速波:滤除50 次以内谐波





◇ 高可靠性并机方式:同一个控制器集中控制,模块之间无环流

AB-APF 可以实现4 台装置并联且只使用一个控制器集中控制,每个功率模块均流输出。模块之间无环流,提高了装置的可靠性。

Active speed wave: filter out harmonics up to 50th

Voltage deviation: bi-directional compensation of voltage rise and voltage dip

Fixed current: issue specified arbitrary current

Users can observe all power parameters such as voltage, current, harmonics, active power, reactive power, power factor, fault records, etc. in real time.

It plays the role of power quality monitoring. At the same time, the working status, current temperature and fault records of each module of the machine can be viewed in real time through the man-machine interface.

◇ Highly reliable parallel mode: Centralized control by the same controller, no loop current between modules

AB-APF can realize the parallel connection of 4 units and use only one controller to control them centrally, with each power module outputting evenly. There is no loop current between modules, which improves the reliability of the device.

产品特点 Product Features

◇ 三电平结构:输出电流平滑,装置损耗低


◇ Three-level structure: smooth output current, low device loss

The main circuit adopts three-level full-bridge topology three-level structure, with smooth output current waveform, while making the DC bus voltage and switching frequency of the switching device only 1/2 of the traditional two-level active filter, which greatly reduces the loss of the switching device.


◇ 自适应控制算法:适应任何系统阻抗变化


◇ 各次谐波电流输出可限幅:可与无源滤波器配合滤同一次谐波

因为现场可能存在复杂的应用环境,比如电网本身是个弱电网,电网的阻抗发生变化,电容器变频器等多种类型的设备同时并联在电网中,导致设备间发生谐振。因此本设备从2~50 次谐波都可设置最大输出值,以防止发生谐振。

◇ Adaptive control algorithm: adapt to any system impedance change

The control system can automatically adjust the control parameters according to the input signal to optimize the compensation performance, and can adapt to any system impedance changes, and the device will not resonate with the system.

◇ The output of each harmonic current can be limited: it can cooperate with passive filter to filter the same primary harmonic

Because the site may have complex application environment, such as the grid itself is a weak grid, the impedance of the grid changes, capacitors inverters and other types of equipment connected in parallel in the grid at the same time, resulting in resonance between equipment. Therefore, this equipment can set the maximum output value from the 2nd to the 50th harmonic to prevent resonance from occurring.


